Monday, November 05, 2007

We have a winner!

Thank you to all who stopped by. I did not have nearly the traffic lots of people had but that's okay, more chances for those of you who commented.

I wish I had a book for all of you but I don' I put your names in a virtual hat and had a virtual drawing (a'la Randomizer help), and


Congratulations to
"Princess Ladybug"!

Hope you will enjoy your book and will visit again soon! I will be in touch to get mailing info.

Again, thanks to you all who took the time to visit. I appreciate it and know my poor blog is rather neglected. Hopefully, I can get in gear when my work slows down a bit.

Since I work at home, for myself, I have no one to blame, right?
Check out my store if you want to see what consumes me and you just might find a treasure you love! ;)

Thanks again! It was fun!


Princess LadyBug said...

Woo Hoo! Thanks! I'm at :)

The Feathered Nest said...

Hi Nancy! Thanks so much for visiting my blog...I tell you what, I'm making a few more charms this weekend (Eiffel tower) and if you'll email me at so I can have your email address, I'll send you a few photos and let you pick one! The charms alone are 12.00 and with a sterling ball chain are 22.00...thanks sweetie! xxoo, Dawn