Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Bloggy Giveaway!

Shannon over at "Rocks in my Dryer" had a fabulous idea,
"I was thinking to myself, wouldn't it be fun if our little corner of the blogosphere held a ton of giveaways for our readers at the SAME TIME? And we could kind of turn it into a carnival, of sorts? We could all go "live" with our giveaway on the same day, and we could all do our drawings on the same day, and, well, all the loveliness would be enough to make the internet smell like flowers!"

Well, WOW! What could be "funner"?!
I am going to rummage through all of my cottage treasures and find a pretty or two to give away. I have tons of stuff on hand since I sell vintage cottage treasures on ebay. What to pick??! That is the hardest part! Oh, this will be like Christmas in July....yes, it will!
Be sure to check back for details and to get your name in the hat. I realize I don't have much traffic so you will have a better chance! ;-)

To check it out and get more details and "stuff", click here:-)

2 comments: said...

Can i be a part of it too?

~Nancy~ said...

Yeah, just hop on over and grab the info. I think we go public on Monday.
I just have to decide what to give away...this should be fun!